Friday, September 4, 2009


I have been excited for over a week about going! I thought I wasn't going to be able to go due to funds being low but it worked out. It was initially going to be Marco, Glo and I and we invited Jess to go as well. The day before we are to leave for a early trek, Glos' babysitters call out and Glo is unable to go due to no one being able to watch Lucy( her daughter).

So Marco, Jess and I meet up at the shop ( where Marco and I work) and we leave around 6:20 a.m. in Marcos new car he just bought...a Mercedes Benz..ballin. We head onto the interstate, pass some tolls, and everything was going smoothly. Then somehow we got off course and ended up in a little ass town. We were maybe off our course by 20 or so miles; then we proceeded back to where the last exit was. As we were driving along through the town, we find our exit and get to the on ramp. I noticed a cop car and let marco know and we pass him. As soon as we do, i look in the rear view mirror and notice him moving and turning our way. I joked saying " Uh-oh..he's coming for us!" What happened next..we got pulled over on the ramp. He said he got us going 40 in a 30 and Marco said he could have sworn he saw a sign saying 40. He issued us a paper warning and was actually nice, then we headed back on our journey.

What made time go by pretty fast was the comedy stations on sirius radio. We were all laughing a lot, and then pointing out unusual visual stimulants. We got to Six Flags in decent time, taking about 6 hours. It was a perfect day for going to an amusement park; the weather was sunny with clouds and a light breeze, and the park was not too crowded. We didn't wait longer than 30 minutes for any ride and we got to go on everything we wanted to. At the park, we rode a couple warm up rides to get in the swing of things. Then we make our way to..dundun..dundun..dundundun Kingda ka! The tallest and faster roller coaster in the WORLD! The line was not too long as we made our way to the loading docks. We picked our seats out and waited in line for our turn. The turn style doors opened and we got into our seat, got locked down, and were rolled out to waiting area on the actual coaster. The guy at the mic saying some words that were mumbled by the speaker and then our train of seats was being slowly pulled back. We all kind of look at each other for one last nervous smile then it shot us off! We went up the first part at 128 MPH in 3.5 seconds and proceeded to the drop. When you get to the top(456 feet), you sit there for a minute and get to look straight down and you don't see the coaster floor, just the hill your going to next. Then you plummet down while screaming and laughing from excitement. Before you know it, the ride is over. It was a lot of fun but seemed to be over too fast, I wish it would have been a little longer of a ride.

Marco, Jess and I went on a bunch of over rides but the one that topped them was El Toro. It has the steepest drop of any wooden roller coaster in the country, measuring around 76 degrees. It had drop after drop, crazy turns and we were all laughing from the amount of fun it was. Jess kept telling me I looked like the bride of Frankenstein on the coaster because my hair would stand straight up every time we went down a hill. We walked around, got pictures with some characters (some including the flash, batman,pepe' le pew), then headed back to our car for the long ride home. If you could have seen us, we were all so exhausted and poor Marco had to drive. Jess and I were lucky to be passengers on the journey home so we could bob in and out of sleep. I tried so hard to stay awake the whole time, but I failed. About a couple hours away from home i could feel myself falling asleep and I didn't want to leave Marco driving alone so I would sit up , shake it off and play with the radio stations. We got back to the shop , said our good nights and got into our separate cars to head home. I arrived home around almost 1 a.m. and slinked into the shower to wash off the sweat and try to comb my hair. As soon as I laid into bed..boom..I was out. Even though I had to work early the next morning, I had a lot of fun and would do it again.