Friday, December 25, 2009


Ahh. . It was a relaxing trip for the most part and I needed it. We started off going toward Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and made a detour to Philadelphia to go to the Mutter Museum. It is a medical museum of knowledge and human oddities. I forgot to get batteries before we got there, and luckily there were XXX shops all over the place. I thought for sure they would have batteries, since they know. So we went in, asked for batteries, and the guy working the counter said "Well, we don't sell batteries, we give them away with novelties." So we paid him five bucks for a pack of batteries and left to the Mutter Museum around the corner. I was so excited to go see all the interesting items, I got my camera out and was ready. Then...then..the guy who sold the tickets..let me down. He told me you couldn't take pictures or video in the display area, only in the lobby. I was so sad because there was so much to see and take pictures off. They had so many mutated babies in jars, severed and shrunken heads, bottled brains, all different skeleton types and mis-formations. There was so much to see and read about; we were probably in the museum for over 2 hours. I really suggest going if you get the chance, and it isn't a very far drive (about 4 or so hours). And then

we continued our drive to our resort at The Woodlands in Wilkes-barre. When we got to the room, the sequence from The Hangover when they walked into their $4200 hotel room played through my mind. Obviously the room we got didn't cost nearly that much, but it was still very nice and the view from the room was gorgeous. The night we got there, we just made a huge bubble bath and relaxed in the room since it was a bit late. Then the next day was spa day for us and boy did I enjoy it. Alexander's in the Woods is what it was called and it's located right in the resort, and only about 5 minutes from our room! I decided to get the mud massage rub down kinda thing, and my masseuse was named Roberto. He had long flowing brown hair, and as he would walk it would follow behind him like the tail of a majestic horse. Ok, not really, his name was Mike and he had buzzed hair, but it was still relaxing. So I got down to bra and panties and I laid down on this warm blanketed bed. Then Mike started to rub a seaweed/eucalyptus mud all over( don't get perverted on my I said...I was still wearing panties and bra and he didnt go there) and it was warm and felt so nice. Then he had me lay down, and wrapped warm blankets over me and I laid there for 15 minutes. When Mike came back, he used warm towels to massage and remove most of the mud. By the end of it all, I was so relaxed that I kind of swayed back to the room. The next day

was when we went to Scranton ( a town next to where we were) to see some sites and go to some vegan cafe we heard about. It only took about 15 minutes to get there from Wilkes-Barre and parking was alot easier than in Philly. The walk from the car was so cold that we basically ran to the cafe. The cafe is called Eden Cafe' and is COMPLETELY VEGAN. It is a amazing place and the people there were so friendly and helpful to us. I decided to have the (philly) cheese steak sub since I had never had one before and Brandon had the meatball sub. It was delicious and I am jealous we do not have anywhere in Virginia Beach like it. If you ever happen to be near Scranton, PA or happen to pass through it, go there. It is a must for good food lovers and vegans or vegetarians who want to be enlightened by the deliciousness. Next door is a tattoo shop called Marc's Tattoo, also with very nice people, and next to them is a vinyl store called Embassy Vinyl. There was so much to look at, from the box of records labeled "Happy Birthday Jesus Christ" to the painting of a gremlin riding a rainbow unicorn. Brandon found something he was envious of, a signed picture of Andy Kaufman, which the owner was not willing to part with. Another employee at the store reminded me of Bret from Flight of the Conchords; he was wearing plain black pants, had dark hair, and a awesome holiday sweater with dressed up cats on it. We bought some items then proceeded to the casino.

I had never been to a casino before and was pretty excited. It was called the Mohegan Sun I believe and was laid out like a big circle. We got some money out and proceeded to gamble. I wasn't really sure how to do it and I had lost Brandon. So I sat down and tried to figure out what some of the buttons meant. I lost $5 in 1 minute and was still confused on how to play. I wandered around until I found a machine that looked simple. It had diamonds on it and was a 1 cent machine that you had to bet atleast 25 cents at once. Right away I liked it, it was easy and I won $48! I lost some but walked out with $20 and the fact that I figured out how to play. After that we went back to the resort for a bit to charge the GPS then went out for dinner. I let Brandon pick where we went, so guess where...Eden. This time I had the grilled cheese and bacon with vegetables and Brandon had the sampler tray ( I have no idea how they made some of the items look so real and taste so delicious) and pork bbq sandwich. Since he got to pick dinner, I wanted to go back to the casino (I don't have a problem, I can quit when ever I want to ). We played for a bit, I got some more money and we headed back to resort for the last night.

Took one more giant bubble bath and relaxed for the ride home the next day. We heard about a vegan bakery that is pretty famous, only about a hour away and on our way home. It is called Vegan Treats( ) and believe me, so good that we had to get one for Jessica for watching the furry kids and some for family on Christmas. So to sum it all up in some words ; relaxed, yum, win money, yum, sleep. If you need to known more information so you can go to any of these places, just contact me and I would be more that happy to tell you.