Thursday, August 19, 2010


Finally finished reading a very good book. It is called "Monster", is by A. Lee Martinez and I would definitely recommend to people who enjoy cryptobiology and the similar. I have always been interested in cryptids and the study of them so the book highly appealed to me. I decided the best way to finish a good book would to be in a warm bubble bath and a glass of ice cold pink lemonade. I do not want to give away much about the book in case you want to read it yourself, but it is full of cryptozoology, good story telling to the point where you can vividly picture the scene in your mind, and questionable quotes.

At the end of the book itself there is an "extras" section where someone interviews the author. For the most part it is good but I was saddened when he said he doesn't believe there are cryptids out there in the world and that is why he wrote a book where they do exist. Really? I, for one, do believe some exist. They do not have to be unicorns or such, but everyday new animals/cryptids are found that the world did not know existed. There is another quote in the extra section that I thought was quote worthy: "For a while, I used to think it would be cool to take a tour of haunted America, but all those ghost hunting reality shows burned me out on that dream. You can only watch so many people bumble and stumble their way through darkened rooms, jumping at shadows, before you start thinking this would be a pretty silly hobby." I agree with this; not the point about silly hobby but the part it all being a reality show burning people out on it and then not wanting to do it. People should go out and experience it for themselves.

The book was not expensive and kept me and my mind entertained. So if what you have read so far has intrigued you enough, go out and buy it then let me know what you think of the book.