Thursday, August 20, 2009


So Glo and I went to Natural bridge on 9/20/09 and had such a blast. We went to four locations; foamhenge, the caverns, haunted monster house, and dino land. The caverns was the main goal, to accomplish number 38. It was so hot that day, we were sweating so much and becoming exhausted but we didn't let that stop us. Foamhenge was sort of a extra, we stumbled across it on the way to the attractions. When we got to the natural bridge location we walked inside looking for the ticket booth and we wanted to get fanny packs (everyone and their mother was wearing one ah ah). We didn't find any regular ones, only fanny packs with water holders. So we got our tickets and went to the caverns first to cool off( it stays around 54 degrees in there). The caverns were alot of fun and the formations had some funny names, like cave bacon. After our tour we went to the dino park while we waited for the tour guide for the haunted monster house, which was a hike up a hill with artifacts hidden in the trees and sidewalks. The haunted attraction was very fun and had a lot of neat details to it. We took pictures everywhere we could and had a lot of fun doing so. I recommend anyone to go here, as it has a little something for everyone taste. Another one down, a lot more on the list to go. More pictures are on

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So we bought a house a little over 5 months ago. It is a three bedroom, two bath, nice size back yard, garage, and I love it. I suggest to anyone, if you are renting...stop. Buy a house; you will be so much happier then throwing away your money every month. So i have been spending a lot of my time making the house into my dream home. I got new furniture, took down and painted the cabinets in the kitchen, took down the out dated wallpaper and am putting up new wallpaper soon, and am making it my own. I am so happy to not have people banging on the walls early in the morning, yelling at parties above me, and not having anywhere for Boris( our lab/ame. bulldog X) to run and play.

7. & 10.

Seth Green and Matt Senreich (creators of robot chicken) did a traveling tour called The Robot Chicken Roller Party to promote their new DVD(Robot chicken star wars 2). I have had a crush on Seth Green since I was 13 and love his work. So my friend Jessica and I went to Henrico county in Richmond (one of the 8 stops) for the roller party on August 10, 2009. We had passes we got from the movie to get hour early entrance. It was extremely hot that day and we must had sweat gallons and we were so dehydrated. It was well worth it though; to see every one and have a awesome experience to remember. We meet Seth, Matt, roller skating storm troopers, and many other persona's. I also had never been roller skating before so I had to learn while there. Surprisingly I picked it up fast and was able to skate with Seth Green and get a picture with him. It is blurry due to us skating around and me only having a camera phone; but we know what happened. If I could, I would do it all over again any day.